Tobogganing in Dubai
1 March 2019

I caught the travel bug early but paused to focus on my career and family. Now, I explore the world, share authentic travel experiences, and inspire others through my blog, mollywozhere. Join me for tips, stories, and adventures!
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Yeah that’s me in the photo, leaning against the red plastic boat for support. Unfortunately, poor photo shot. I’d relied on a stranger to take the photo.
This is the second most exhilarating experience that I have ever had. And I must say from the start that I have never ski’d and neither have I ever been on a bobsled or toboggan run. To be honest with you, I actually did not realise what I was letting myself in for until I got to the point of no return!

Dubai is full of experiences and there is something for everyone. Ski Dubai is a great place for families and for anyone wanting a different kind of experience. I enjoyed all what was on offer but my most memorable experience was the toboggan run.
You walk up to the top of the slide, wait your turn, and get given a rubber mat. Then when it is your turn, you put your mat down, sit on it and go when you get given the green light, off you go! And the fun began. The slide was snug; or it could be that I was not slim enough for it!

It was fast, it was furious and most of all, it was exhilarating. I screamed, hugged myself, and prayed that I arrive safely at the bottom. My head spun and stomach turned and rose to my chest. I wondered how much longer it was going to on for. And suddenly, I was at the finish and landed on my bottom with a thump!! Wow, wow and wow!!! And that is what you call an experience!

As I slowly got up, still feeling dazed as if I had just been on a space shuttle to the moon and back, the guy at the bottom of the run who had helped me up, looked at me and asked “would you like to have another go?”. I replied without hesitation “Not on your nelly, just the one for me”.

Now you would have thought that I would not have the energy or sense not to try something else new. But I was on a roll! So I decided to have a go at Zorbing. Yeap, you heard me right. At my age, I went zorbing. Again, another thrilling experience, but of a different kind. I was surprised I did not vormit. This huge ball with me alone inside it just kept on rolling every which way, and I was powerless to control it so I just let myself go. And enjoyed the ride. Wonderful. You only live once. Yes it is me inside the ball, zorbing!
You are never too old!
Hello molly,
Thanks for sharing this great experience. Looks like you had a great time in dubai.Your experience is amazing and inspiring. Thanks for sharing. .
Thanks Village Modou. I most certainly had a great time in Dubai. I am sure you will too!
Wow molly looks like you had a great time in dubai. .it’s so amazing and interesting all that you experienced..At your age,I wouldn’t have think of you would go into those scaring experience so well done for that..Your experience is inspiring alot including myself..Thanks for sharing your experience.
Thanks Village Modou! You are never too young or old to experience this wonderful world of ours. Live life to the full is my motto.