Wadi Rum – Mars on earth!

Molly Wallis

Wadi Rum is a valley and a UNESCO World Heritage site in southern Jordan, close to Aqaba. It is protected by the Jordanian government, and rightly so. It is one of the most remarkable  places that I have ever seen or experienced. You will appreciate why it is referred to as the ‘red planet’ when you visit.

Wadi means valley and Rum means city of mountains. Wadi Rum is  known as the “Valley of the moon”. The red colour of the sand and mountain is due to the presence of iron oxide. 

One of our first sight of Wadi Rum was this magnificent rock referred to as the 7 Pillars of Wisdom, title of a book written by T. E Lawrence.
The best way to explore this lunar landscape was on a 4 x 4 Jeep. The sand and rock formation were stunning.
Some people could not resist walking up the sand dune. I was just contended admiring the rock formation towering above us.
The sand and the reflection of the sun on the sandstone and granite rocks was simply breathtaking.

It was difficult to take pictures while travelling on the 4 x4 jeep, not least because you don’t want to miss the experience of this amazing place and its beauty. Travelling at speed on the sand dunes was exhilarating. We loved it!

Several films have been shot in Wadi Rum desert to depict Mars because of the lunar landscape, sandstone and granite rock. The most famous  of the films shot in this desert location was The Martian in 2015.
We stopped for tea in a Bedouine tent. The area is called Lawrence corner because of its seclusion and magnificent surrounding.
There was, naturally, opportunity to sell scarves, and other souvenirs to passing tourists.
I love this mollywozhere photo taken by our guide. It said it all - sheer joy and pleasure of experience this amazing, once in a lifetime place.
We were taken to a location for the best views of the sun setting where we all sat on the rock to watch this natural event.
mollywozhere photo, naturally! I had the most amazing experience in Wadi Rum.
Martian Tent
Delux tent
Inside my tent.

As you can see, we didn’t exactly rough it in the desert! The accommodation was well organised and comfortable with all mod cons – hot water, inside wc, shower and air condition.  We couldn’t have asked for more!

We were treated to a campsite singalong and dance after a very tasty traditional meal of rice, meat and vegetables cooked in a stove in the ground covered with sand. 

I have looked at the night sky before in Callosa, Spain. But star gazing in Wadi Rum was different.   There was a very clear night sky and what seemed like a billion stars. I could have sworn that I saw the Milky Way!!

If you visit Jordan, you must visit Wadi Rum. It is one of Jordan’s most visited attractions and experience. I can assure you it is very much worth it. 

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